Monday, July 18, 2011

Breezy part one.

Our vacation up north was wonderful. It was remembering what vacation is. It was our family resting, doing whatever floated our collective boat. Like walking a very short distance to the park.

Sitting on our patio watching golf carts and cirrus clouds and all the greens and blues and chipmunks.
Reading the books we picked up at the library before we left.
Getting ready to go on a scavenger hunt.
Snuggling on the couch with Daddy.

Watercolors and white crayons.
And as much kitsch as possible.


Cathy Bolander said...

I LOVE the cuddles on the couch photos. Adorable!!!!

Mindi said...

Alla really is resembling her momma more and more. Lucky girl. :)

pakosta said...

can't wait to see more!!! tara

