1. What a beautiful day. One of those where you don't leave the house, you just play and straighten and read books and snuggle and put away laundry and play teacher and read many more books and everyone feels the goodness of home and there are no meltdowns in the entire day.
2. Alla to Daddy,
Daddy I'm asking you a question: Where's your clabicle? (clavicle)3. And another conversation she had with us one morning:
I need to find my reskipe (recipe) for my dinner. I just need some wipes (wipes are her imaginary everything) so Alla can make some potatoes.4. She is finally getting the hang of the Escalade. And LOVING it. Probably doesn't hurt that all the four year olds in the neighborhood will gladly drive her around. Or that, because of this car, we are now the kool-aid house in the neighborhood. Alla has major cool status around here. And thanks, Katie, this shirt still fits her! As a kind thank you, Alla will drive your daughter around next month.

5. I am a little perturbed that MY car has a huge dent in it from last night's two-inch-around hail, but Alla's car is in pristine condition in the garage.
Grrrrrrr. My brand new car.6. I forgot how exhausting is the first trimester. How you just long for sleep and more sleep. At lunch, which seems to get earlier and earlier every day, whether because of my constant hunger or constant need to sleep, I'm silently pleading with Alla to finish so I can put her down and find my super comfy spot on the couch downstairs with the remote and my borrowed copy of Waiting for Birdy,
which I love.
7. In all honesty, though, I've always loved our breakfasts and lunches, just the two of us. It feels like less of an ordeal than dinner, and it's quiet, and we chat. And I remember those early days where I'd try and sneak in a sandwich (which I hope to want again someday) while she laid on her Gymini or while she sat next to me on top of the table in her bouncer. Way before she actually ate food.
8.Alla and I venture off to Nana & Pappi's this weekend by ourselves...just the airport/airplane experience alone will probably do me in for a good few days. We'll need to get there like three hours early lest we (I) have to run at top speed to miss the flight anyway. Oh, did that happen to me the first time I flew alone with her? Hmph.
9. I am a horrible pregnant gardener. Feel free to comment on how that's ok. Problem with being pregnant is that nothing in my garden actually sounds good. Not zucchini or parsely, not pesto, so all the basil still remains even though ages ago I bought pine nuts. But tomatoes, which are finally coming around, sound lovely, so I do hope those are ready when we return from our trip. I'm so sorry, garden. I just don't want much to do with you now that that other human is inside me.

10. Alla and Dada. She sometimes still calls us Mama and Dada. I missed that.