1. Let it be known that January 2017 was the month that the Killins family caught the HAMILTON bug. Actually, Alla brought it home with her. They are listening at school.
2. We are now basically only listening to that. Ever. It is amazing.
3. We are also wondering when Fisher will be old enough to go see it.
4. I just finished Homegoing, which was phenomenal.
5. Now Fisher has me reading The Boys Who Challenged Hitler, which is also great.
6. Alla is only reading The Selection series, over and over and over and over.
7. This white chicken chili is so easy and so good. My only suggestion if you make it, and you should, is to add another chicken breast and maybe decrease the stock by a cup. Otherwise you will have a whole bunch of liquid and not much stuff. It's a winner in our house because it's a "chips and cheese meal."
8. Is it winter where you are? If by winter, we're talking about temperatures in the teens, then tomorrow it will be winter here. But our snow pack is almost non-existent, which is not the best for February.
9. Also not the best for February - freezing rain. That crap nipped my run in the bud this morning.
10. Our family still hasn't seen Hidden Figures! Definitely have to change that soon.