Some big meanie has gone and stolen the Julius Cruiser. Yes, you read that correctly. My beloved bike: gone. I have no idea how long it's been gone, you see, cause I'd been waiting to ride it til Alla's first birthday when we can get her a bike trailer (shhhhh) and take her with us. So it's likely been gone for awhile. But it's gone.
It feels a little silly to be so upset about a bike. It's just a possession. But it was sentimental. Two years ago Ron and I were done opening our Christmas gifts to each other and then in he walks with this gorgeous red bike for his wife, that he'd kept hidden at the Stahr's for this big surprise. It was the best Christmas gift.
He said to me today, "You were so happy every time you rode that bike." How could I not be? Look how cool it was.
So to the bastard that stole it, you probably didn't think it would take me this long to realize it was gone, or that I'd come to that realization on Christmas Eve-Eve, but I did. And that just sucks, you big fat Meanie.
oh j.j. my heart breaks for ya. i know that it's just a posession, but it has sentimental meaning. i know because michael bought me my first "grown up" bike when we were dating! and it was only the 3rd bike i had ever had in my life! i know just how you feel! i would hope that big fat meanie would return it!!!!!! i can't believe some people!!!!! well, just know that this year you have alla and that is the best present anyone could ever have!!!!!! and nobody can take the love you have for her or ron!! just think of it that way. maybe it will help! merry christmas friend!!!!!
This so stinks, J. I can't believe such awful, cruddy things hapeen to such great people. I hope you will get your good memories on a layout soon.
I'm on the look-out for your lovely red bicycle! Woe to the chump who rides by on Julius...
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