Yum. New babies are just yummy. So teensy, dependent, flopsy (yep it's a word), scrunched up, those little legs still in fetal position.
Welcome to the world, two January babies.
Kendyl Rylee, born 2 Jan, shown here with mommy Heather at 18 days old.
And Kelsea Rae, born 16 Jan, shown here with mommy Katie on her Birth Day.
So much fun awaits.
Standing up. Can you believe it?
It was a good mail day. Scrapbook Trends magazine sent my goodie package for my October publications. 2 boxes of Chatterbox ribbon, a Scrapworks album, an SEI album, Paper Loft patterned paper and letter stickers, NRN Designs matchbook albums, and of course 2 copies of the issue I'm in. Thanks!
Hero Arts sent my Honorable Mention prize stamps. Thanks!
Ron and Katie thoroughly surprised me with a little party at Katie and Wally's for dinner! Here I thought we were going over for Pizza Friday, a standard in the Killins Household, and yet I was greeted by balloons, Wally makin' tacos, and news that Sara & Paul, Cathy & Rick (Happy Birthday, Rick!) were all coming as well! So fun! Alla slept all through our dinner and woke just as we were getting ready to leave.
When we arrived home, I found these on our doorstep from Mom and Dad Killins:Thank you, they are beautiful!
And once again, let me remind you that I open my presents as late as possible, so the rest were opened at 11 pm. Let's see...Kona coffee from Hawaii, a beautiful pink sweater, some money honey, and a sentimental card from good ol' Mom, that I truly understood this year being a mama myself.
So thank you all for the birthday goodness. I'm so glad you are all a part of My 30th Year.
I leave you with this bit of goodness - Alla getting a kick out of my balloon. Don't remind me, soon enough it is she who will have a bit of birthday goodness.
My happy girl with her two new teeth actually fell asleep in her highchair in between bites this evening. I had heard of this happening to other people's babies. As in fables and storybooks and such, but had no expectations for this happening in my own real life. After all, this girl is the Eternal Nurser, Ye of Only Falling Asleep With Boob in Mouth. But Alla proves her magnificence once again.
Clicking on photos will make them bigger and more wonderful;)