At four and a half, you
go through paper at an alarming rate
go through tape almost as fast
love to create
use your art box every single day
love books (today we read Emily and The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish)
write your letters so sweetly
still choose blue as your favorite color
watch movies every Saturday and Sunday morning (this weekend: Pocohontas and Because of Winn-Dixie)
wear mostly 5T
love to snuggle or rock with me
eat pizza every Friday night
love Muffin Tin Monday
have gorgeous curls
have an ouchie on the bottom of your foot
go to bed by eight
wake up by eight
usually sleep later than Fisher
sleep with 5+ friends at night (currently: Baby Cow, Bear, Lily Kafina, Dog, Azzie, Laila)
love to dance (especially to: "Shake Sonora" or "Move it")
love music (especially the Shrek soundtrack, the Mary Poppins soundtrack, Elizabeth Mitchell, and all the songs on your "Happy Travels" CD)
make stuff daily
consider Carter and Canton your best friends
are so incredibly, immensely LOVED.