1. I know it's spring all around the country, but we are actually
having spring here. Meaning no snow in sight, grass is greening, flowers and trees (aaaaaaa-chooooooooooooo!) are blooming, and the air is warm.
2. Pushing the kids (31 pounds + 45 pounds) in the double jogger never gets easier. In fact, it seems to get harder with each run. What, are they gaining weight everyday? Ok, probably, but not measurably, right? Right?
3. We started taping
Parenthood several weeks ago when it started, and now we have like six hours of it recorded. After one episode, I am loving it! So happy that I have five more hours to watch.
4. Fisher's favorite new library book:
5. Alla was smitten with
Millie Waits for the Mail today, and Fisher kept saying, 'See Mih-weee!'
6. Yesterday Alla made up a new dinosaur, drew a picture of it and ran to show me her 'jiganoteasaurus.' I was very impressed that she remembered its very long name at dinner for Daddy.
7. Fisher's favorite time of day is when Daddy comes home:
Daddy home! Daddy home! Drive Daddy's car! Daddy gum!8. We leave this weekend for a long-overdue trip to see Ron's family. The kids are
so excited to see Grandma, talking about how they'll hug her and tell her
I Love You. I have a feeling they won't want to come back home.
9. Except that when we get back it will be days away from Alla's fifth birthday. Five is big. Major. She looks five.
10. Took Fisher to the allergist today for his annual there to see, as Fisher says, how it's goin'. After a skin test showed very positive results for the wheat allergy, his doctor decided it wouldn't be safe at this point to do a food challenge for wheat. So, we wait another year and then re-assess while continuing to avoid wheat.