We have been in our house since 30 June but just got our household goods 2 days ago.
Alla has mastered the stairs. She goes to the edge, sits down, turns around and scoots down on her belly.
She is a full-fledged walker, and I don't think running is too far behind.
Somewhere between California and Minnesota, she became a toddler.
She has got 75% of
Moo, Baa, La La La by Sandra Boynton memorized.
We start swim class tomorrow.
Her favorite thing here so far is 'side' - also known as going outside. Because there she can play in her sand and water tray. Which is quickly becoming a mud tray. And she must be surrounded by bubbles while she does this, meaning
I have to continuously blow them.
Ron starts his new job tomorrow.
It is heavenly to sleep in our own bed after a week on an air mattress.
We need a scrapbook work area/office space. Any ideas?
We miss all those we left.
I leave you with Alla's first walk in the rain. Her first rainstorm. I got her out of it just as the drops started coming, and of course the curious girl she is went right back out. And as it slowed she signed 'more,' but sadly I haven't figured out how to turn the rain on and off. Would make watering our nice new yard a whole lot cheaper.