Ron took her out trick-or-treating, which is pretty hard core, considering it is currently twenty-eight degrees outside. Ron was embarassed because they finally started just asking what he wanted, since clearly Alla wasn't that interested in the candy.
She was real interested when she came home, however, probably moreso in the shiny packages than anything, considering she didn't even know that they were packages that could therefore open. Like pens or toys or kitchen utensils, she double-fisted the candy, holding three smarties in one hand and her Twix and sucker in the other, all through dinner even. She would not let go.
After dinner we let her choose a piece to eat (luckily no one else in the neighborhood is handing out full-sized candy bars, or we'd have been in trouble since she'd more than likely have chosen the biggest one to eat). She chose the Twix. Her first piece of candy. Milestones.
Happy Halloween, friends!