Monday, October 30, 2006

Maple Monday.

Here she is. Our ever-changing, quickly growing bare maple. Totally yellowed after our 10 days away. At least the leaves aren't completely gone. Check back next Monday, though, cause we are having some blustery winds tonight, and I doubt there'll be much left in a week. There better be a blizzard on the way to make up for it.

What little girl doesn't like stomping through the leaves?


Anonymous said...

What a sweetheart!

Megan said...

Wow what a change in 10 days. I can't get over how big Alla is in the first picture. I love the last one too.

Susie said...

That's alotta leaves!

Anonymous said...

Lovely to finally see the change and sweet pictures of Alla playing! Do we get some vacation shots (and some of Ellery!) next?

