5. So glad Susie's back.
6. So happy for Elizabeth's baby.
7. Eager to hear about Chico & Mariah's baby.
8. I scrapped! Actually I did three layouts last weekend. Here's one. This was great to get on paper, twenty-four hours of my life. If you've never done one of those TODAY layouts, I think they are so important and maybe my favorite because they are exactly what you did, thought, said. And I think that's what I'm going to want to remember twenty years from now, what my life was like, on a day-to-day basis. I don't know if you can enlarge this big enough to read, I mean the font had to be pretty small to get twenty-four hours of details in!
9. Is anyone else sad that the season finales are going on? I mean what am I supposed to watch all summer?
10. Ten on Tuesday will mostly likely be on hiatus next week while we're in PA. But you never know. I might get saucy and surprise you.
6. Tried on a tankini this weekend and had Alla on my hip while I pulled the top off the rack. Immediately she said, for nursin'.
7. Speaking of tankinis, have you checked out Athleta?
8. May is really nice. Flip flops are nice. I don't think anyone here has heard of Rainbows, though.
9. Already getting excited for State Fair time.
10. I still haven't gotten around to any Jodi Picoult novels. Maybe the library will have a paperback tomorrow.