3. Started The Glass Castle. I've only read 40 pages and I already recommend it.
4. Brought some lilacs inside today. Mmmmmmmm.
5. A recent conversation between Alla and I, which all started because she was indeed wearing a bib with a cupcake on it that said 'little cupcake,' went like this:
Me: Are you my little cupcake?
Alla: No! (Said in the tone of No, silly Mommy!)
Me: Are you my little punkin?
Alla: No! (Same tone)
Me: Are you my little brownie?
Alla: No!
Alla: Little daughter!
6. Tried on a tankini this weekend and had Alla on my hip while I pulled the top off the rack. Immediately she said, for nursin'.
7. Speaking of tankinis, have you checked out Athleta?
8. May is really nice. Flip flops are nice. I don't think anyone here has heard of Rainbows, though.
9. Already getting excited for State Fair time.
10. I still haven't gotten around to any Jodi Picoult novels. Maybe the library will have a paperback tomorrow.
Your post was so wierd - we were just talking about these books at dinner. I read The Glass Castle, too. The author was just on the Colbert Report, and she is a gossip reporter - how wierd is that??? I just read the newest Piccoult, 19 Minutes, and wasn't impressed.
Alla looks so different and grown up in that picture!
you need to bring "light" to their life and show them the ways of rainbows- that's a tragedy they haven't heard of them! just kidding- but seriously, you need to show them the ways!!!
i am so glad to hear that you didn't like saving fish from drowning. i have tried to get into it so many times and i just can't-and i LOVE amy tan...
Glass Castle is on my to read list. And My Sister's Keeper made me sob so hard I never wanted to read another Jodi Picoult novel again.
Yes..... rainbows are few and far between here. :) I did, however, find a pair to replace my ripped up old ones in a new store (Shi Shi) at Rosedale. :)
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