1. Right on cue, Alla came down with a cold the week before we're set to go to PA to visit Grandma & Grandpa. I swear they must think we're serving her up a daily dose of germs. I should have known there'd be a runny nose on Sunday when on Saturday she told me she had a snuffy nose.
3. Started
The Pact. This was the first Jodi Picoult novel I saw in Target that made me want to read her stuff, and I just never got to it. It was the only one they had at the library yesterday. Score.
4. My husband is amazing. He made Mother's Day amazing. Breakfast in bed. Seriously. And took this picture. I love it. It tells what time it was (7:43, which means I had been lazing around in bed for an hour and forty-three minutes, and I think I stayed at least another forty-five after that). I shows my empty plate, the newspaper strewn about the bed, coffee cup, Alla opening my card, Tiffany box on my lap, and just happiness, and feeling really loved and appreciated. Thanks, you two.

5. So glad Susie's back.
6. So happy for Elizabeth's baby.
7. Eager to hear about Chico & Mariah's baby.
8. I scrapped! Actually I did three layouts last weekend. Here's one. This was great to get on paper, twenty-four hours of my life. If you've never done one of those TODAY layouts, I think they are so important and maybe my favorite because they are exactly what you did, thought, said. And I think that's what I'm going to want to remember twenty years from now, what my life was like, on a day-to-day basis. I don't know if you can enlarge this big enough to read, I mean the font had to be pretty small to get twenty-four hours of details in!
9. Is anyone else sad that the season finales are going on? I mean what am I supposed to watch all summer?
10. Ten on Tuesday will mostly likely be on hiatus next week while we're in PA. But you never know. I might get saucy and surprise you.
Ok. I have been thinking about doing a right now page for awhile. Maybe this is the right kick in my butt I need.
Sorry I said butt on your blog.
I'm glad I'm back too. But where did I go?
Big Brother, for starters!
Glad you had such a wonderful weekend. Have fun in PA. :-)
ohhh jj what a PERFECT mothers day. its the simple things (and the tiffanys box) that make a mothers day! you are a wonderful mother! i still have the mothers day card that you made me last year on my board! soo precious you are:)
I need to get to scraping..maybe that is why it's GOOD that the season finales are going on..hehe. But seriously..since I'm due in like 6 weeks (ugh! 6 weeks already??) I am glad because by the time they all come back on.. I'll be ready to watch again (crossing my fingers on that one).
hey there! just wanted to say hi...glad I found your blog again :)
what are you supposed to do this summer? watch big brother! only the best show ever and it's like on three times a week - life will be good when it's back on my tele.
love that layout, my friend!
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