1. Memorial Day weekends are awesome. Amazing how one extra day adds so much ooomph to your weekend.
2. It was home improvement weekend: storm door installed, check. Grass thatched, mowed, re-seeded, & fertilized. My husband is awesome.
3. Went to Original Pancake House. Katie & Wally, wait 'til you see our Pancake House. It is faaaaan-ceeeeeee. Ron got his basted eggs fix.
4. Hit up TJ's for pepitas, wine, granola, and cookies.
5. Ron has set up our queue for the Summer Television Adventure (I think that's what he's calling it): Desperate Housewives and Alias. It is the truest definition of a compromise. I don't want to watch his show and he doesn't want to watch mine. I know lots of you have suggested Big Brother. Isn't this just a grown-ups' Real World? Please, please correct me if I'm wrong.
6. Thunderstorm today. Soon as I shut all the windows, it stopped. All that downpour. Love summer storms.
7. Alla said to Ron, "Daddy be careful with the wind. Don't blow away, Mommy be mad."
8. Ron told Alla she rolls deep. Has to have her entourage with her when we leave the house...Baby, Froggy, Eeyore, Elmo, and Bear. This is a lot of peeps for one little two year old to hang onto.
9. Some sneak-y peekies for my card swap gals (aren't they gorgeous!!):

10. Have you visited Chico & Mariah's new baby? -------------> see the link -------------->
oh, how cool to do a sneak peek! I love it!! and I recognize something!! :)
Ohmygoodness, all those babies for one little girl- wait until there is two to take somewhere. They double. Seriously.
And I love all the sneeky peakies :) I can't wait to get them in my hot little hands! Thanks for hosting my friend!
Big brother is the lowest form of television imaginable - terrible "characters," boring format, obnoxious host. And I REALLY can't wait until it is back on!
Thanks so much! I can't wait to see the cards in real life! They look so amazing! Thanks for hosting this month :)
You are a tease, J.J.! And I mean that in the most lovable way. :)
The cards look good, can't wait to get them.
Alla is a riot! I love all of her insights. . . we'd all be sad if Ron isn't careful with the wind. And thanks for the info on Chico! I love blog-land. . .
Oh, and don't forget to add "Hell's Kitchen" to your queue. Brent waits ALL year for that one. I can't get through a dinner all summer long without him yelling my ear, Gordon style.
I agree with Amy. We would be sad if the wind would hurt Ron. I didn;t know he liked Desperate Housewives...hee hee. I miss you guys!
I love Big Brother, definitely watch it!!!!! Just had to pop in and give my 2 cents. :)
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