5:43am - Alla chattering away in her crib
Charlie Brown, where's Linus? I don't know where's Linus.
(no answer from Mommy & Daddy)
Mooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmy! Alla's a pig! Oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink.
(Still no answer from Mommy or Daddy)
5:53 am Daaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddddddddddy! I got a boog. I got a BIG boogie on my finger!
(At this we finally crack up and declare her the winner, and Daddy does indeed go see about the boogie. Who's surprised that there wasn't an actual boogie?)
During her diaper change, I still snuggle into the covers, and hear: Daddy, not too tight, Daddy!
And then, I wanna say Happy Mother's Day to Mommy.
Sure enough, a moment later, my eyes clenched tight pretending to be asleep, she's lifted onto the bed right next to me, whispering, Happy Mother's Day, Mommy, Happy Mother's Day.
I'll take it.

Hope you're all having a lovely Memorial Day weekend!
How did we get old enough to be taking our own kids home to be sleeping in our childhood beds. Crazy!
How perfect that she has an Old McDonald!!! I love it!
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