4. Why is it September and I'm just finishing up the production part of my January photo-of-the-day album? I'll get it all assembled in time to start over this January.
5. We were lucky to share brunch here on Sunday with the Zitz', and Alla is just head over heels in love with Baby Dane. (Happy Six Months, Little One!)
6. Today was the first day of school! Alla is the youngest and only one of two girls!
7. Our after-nap ritual has become, wake her up and then go make moo-moos. She likes 'em really 'fick.'
8. I spy with my little eye: a bald eagle just chillin' in a tree.

9. I have the best husband. He laughs and plays with Alla at six o'clock like he hasn't just worked his butt off all day. I love that.
10. On Saturday morning we participated in a walk to benefit Camp Odayin. When we woke up it was a balmy 35 degrees, hence the hats, fleece, and gloves. Alla was all smiles that morning, since Ron was home from Puerto Rico and we were setting out on a family walk. She got a heart balloon, a tattoo, her face painted, and did all the aerobic warming up that a two year old could do. Which meant she was pretty pooped for the actual walk part. Which meant we (Ron) pretty much carried her on our one lap around the lake. Ah well.
Yay for organized sporting events! You guys look so cute!
Look at those fun hats! No need for cozy knotted fleece hats here, but I'll take me some jeans this week :)
You are adorable, did I mention that?
Love Alla in that lavender hat! 35 degrees! Oh my! We just got down to 75 here today and I'm sooo happy. Heat + MS does not mix well. I just hope it stays "cool" but something tells me we won't be that lucky.
Ya'll are an awesome family and Alla is obviously a HAPPY child. Guess what? Ashby had to wear a sweater this morning during Stroller Strides because it was actually cool here in San Diego. I miss the fall weather in MN.
I love so many things about this post...the fact that your race number is on your belly, Alla's lavender hat, the moo moo mustache, the fowl and Alla & Dane's precious picture :-)
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