Friday, February 27, 2009
Stuck inside.

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Forty-six months.
In color, it's Saturday morning and the weekend morning movie is over and she's just telling stories and we're all swirling about in our paths of breakfast and run and dishes and up and down the stairs, and I happen to look over at my self-contained little child and see the beautiful tulle and curls and of course bare feet in February!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Ten on Tuesday.

3. Yesterday Alla told Ron that for S week at school (they are currently on Q week, she's just thinking ahead), she wants to bring his screwdriver. This was prompted by his having left it on the counter after installing some more cabinet locks. It's an electric screwdriver so he obviously told her that wouldn't be a very good idea but maybe she could take one of his smaller ones. She then said she wanted to get her own screwdriver so that she could, and I quote, "Screw. With. Daddy." Her emphasis, not mine. We about died laughing.
4. We're late-lunchers around here. It's rare that we get to the lunch table much before one.
5. Taken at her request at the lunch table yesterday. Muffin Tin Mondays are still going strong around here.

7. Speaking of coffee, after reading the recent issue of Consumer Reports, we switched to Eight O'Clock brand coffee. I'm liking it better than the Archer Farms stuff at Target.
8. My little baby will be TWELVE MONTHS OLD in three weeks and two days. I cannot handle it.

10. Took the kiddos for a run this afternoon in the double jogger. It was 38. It was lovely!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Eleven months.

You speak: hi, mama, hi kee (hi kitty), hi dada, moh (more)
You sign: all done and more
You go to bed between 6:30-6:45pm and wake up between 6:45-7am
You're really getting into walking with your walker (thanks for that, Sara, the kids have now both loved it) - no more push-walk-walk, just walkin'
You can put the balls in the slot and then reach down and grab them and do it again
You love your lovey enormously
You give sweet sloppy kisses
You no longer bathe with the big blue bathtub
Your poor little legs and elbow-pits are forever red, enflamed, and itchy due to your eczema
You love to eat: sugar snap peas, pumpkin, roasted sweet potato with olive oil, salt + chili powder, O's, pears, apples, bananas, rice cakes, muffins, and my oatmeal in the mornings
You love to look out the window, and I love to imagine all the things you will do out there when it's warm, when you're walking; it will all be brand-new to you!
You've become quite the mama's boy (which I adore)
We love you, Buddy.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Ten on Tuesday.
2. On my nightstand: a penny, the 3 books I read to Fisher after he nurses every morning, a couple of Alla's drawings from December to file in her fourth-year scrapbook, and the two [fake] fish she asked me to babysit.
3. Watched Gone Baby Gone Sunday night.
4. Still full from all the Valentine's cupcakes. In my hunt for a wonderful fish birthday cupcake idea, I checked out Hello, Cupcake from the library - yum, yum. For Heart-Day we ended up with chocolate cupcakes and Almost-Homemade Vanilla Buttercream frosting.
5. So excited about friends' new babies.
6. How about Northwest Airlines starting up their peanut service again? Like I needed one more reason not to fly. Ever.
7. We have a serious plain yogurt addiction in this house. Alla and I have been through 4 pounds of it in 9 days. I'm very distraught that it's now gone and it won't be topping my oatmeal in the morning.
8. Fisher is a big fan of sharing my oatmeal with me.
9. At 11:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, the parents wait for the preschoolers right outside their class. It doesn't matter if Alla is the first one to come out of the room, we are still always the last to leave the parking lot. That's because when she comes out, school bag in hand, she has to take all the stuff out of her school folder to show me, right then. Mommy there's something amazing in my folder! I think - when that little girl comes out in red pants, a yellow shirt, and a new haircut, shouting unabashedly about something amazing - that she's amazing.
10. We went outside after lunch today, the last warm (38 degrees) day on the forecast for awhile. No coats. Pants, socks, and a onesie for Fisher. Alla took her socks off and walked all over the remaining ice.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Friday Five.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Ten on Tuesday.

Friday, February 06, 2009
Monday, February 02, 2009
Ten on Tuesday.

A little sunlight.

Last year, she was napping in her big girl bed while we waited for Pondegore to arrive. She napped and I napped, trying to position myself on the bed so that as much of my body as possible could be warmed by the sun. And then, when she woke, spending the rest of the afternoon there.
We still sometimes spend the rest of the afternoon there. Or, at least until you can no longer contain a ten-month-old on a bed.