3. When Alla was a baby, we napped together a lot. There were more naps together than apart, which was pretty much the case well beyond age two, and this, of course, can be attributed to how much she nursed in those first years. Fisher hasn't been a comfort-nurser from day one, and for him sleep and nursing have always been highly separate. It almost has to be this way with baby number two (and beyond, I would imagine), because you just can't ignore your firstborn for hours on end while you sleep-nurse with the baby. But it also means that, except for those early days, when it was safe to let him nap wherever he fell asleep, and sometimes, then, when I laid down right beside him, I'd pick him up and lay that newborn baby on my chest - except for then, he's always napped in his crib, not with me.
4. On Sunday, he decided to throw his lovey out of his crib repeatedly, instead of actually sleeping, so after more than an hour of this, we decided to throw in the towel on an afternoon nap for that day. Rare for this baby. But, I was treated to a sleeping babe at my side after he finished nursing, and I would have left him there to get at least a little rest. But, of course, when you have a big sister, she comes in and squeals at you and you wake up a wee bit disgruntled and out of sorts.
5. The last I see of her on nights when it's Daddy's turn to take her to bed: head on his shoulder, Laila in hand.
5. The kid loves to brush his teeth. Or chew on the toothbrush, I should say. Speaking of teeth, the three oldest Killins' are off to their semi-annual dentist appointments in the morning.

8. Eagerly awaiting our Adele CD from the library.
9. Eagerly awaiting news of the newest Laughrey.
10. Lastly, I leave you with this hilarious, super-quick snapshot from this morning. We're getting ready to head out the door to take Alla to preschool. I leap over the gate to go start the car, leaving both of them upstairs for a second. Alla is Valentine-ing with a black permanent marker, Fisher is vacuuming up breakfast from the floor with his fingers. I get to the garage door when I hear Alla exclaiming about something or other, so I leap back over the gate to check. She just keeps motioning about marker on a face and I don't see anything on her so I check Fisher, and sure enough, he's all markered-up. I'm pretty sure I conjured up the most shocked face I could muster because Alla immediately burst into tears. Hopefully I surprised her by grabbing my camera instead of getting angry. Poor Fisher was subjected to some pretty serious scrubbing. But we made it to school, early for a change, no worse for the wear.
I love naked baby butts! N says no more nakey pics though, he's too old. I still sneak them in :) And oh no on stamps! Grrr is what I say to that! Love the marker on his face. And since Zech is baby #1, he sleeps with one of us almost always. So spoiled! And he is a little too :)..
You can never take too many buns pictures. Just so you know. And may I suggest, washable markers? They are wonderful and easier to wash off little faces.
I too love washable markers. And neither of my boys blessed me with naps together. If they weren't in their cribs they wanted to play. But luckily they still love to cuddle. Love the naked buns. So cute.
Washable markers? THey make those?
kidding. But I'm glad to hear creative freedom is expressed in other toddler homes, too :) So sweet.
tee hee-think i need to get some buns-huns shots too soon :)
he sure is ONE CUTE baby boY!!! love the pictures and tidbits!!!
it's funny though, cause my first one was NOT a good nurser(savannah) and then ava came along and nursed for hours on end. i did get to lay down and nap with her , but ONLY because they were 19 months apart so the first one was still a baby. ava was definately my comfort nurser and continued on til 3years old. savannah and i got aLOT of reading time done in those nursing moments LOL!!!!!
LOVE the bare BUNS!!!!
That is exactly how Kelsey looks brushing her teeth! She gets so made when we take the brush away...
I absolutely love the picture of Fisher asleep next to you...very sweet moment to capture.
I love getting a glimpse into your days since we're not actually there to spend them with you! And I love seeing so many photos :-) His expression with that marker on his face is priceless!
oh how I loved the comfort nursing with Anna...I miss it!
Looking forward to taking some buns hons pictures myself....sigh
And I love the Adele CD. It's our staple for background dinner music.
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