Sunday, April 04, 2010

Happy Easter!

Our wee ones had a blast hunting for eggs in their jammies. I loved watching Big Sister scout them out from inside the house, then get everyone fired up to go out and find them. I loved witnessing her not steal them from her little brother, but run to one and then hand it over (in the end he had more because of her generosity). I loved how quickly Fisher caught on, how he'd put his basket down and run to an egg, dump one in, run to another one, repeat. The whole day was a lot for them - eggs, zoo, nap/quiet time, play outside, dinner, bath. It ended with near meltdowns. But I'm choosing to focus on the quiet fun of this morning. And maybe next year we should just hunt for eggs all day!


Megan said...

We did the same but went to the zoo yesterday. We still had meltdowns but they were yesterday which I am very thankful for. Love that they went out in jammies to find eggs.

Cathy Bolander said...

I am going to like you did & try to remember the Easter day for the pleasant morning it was as opposed to the sugar filled meltdown. Hope you had a wonderful Easter.

Katie said...

Happy Easter! Glad you had a lovely day (and that the cold weather is leaving you guys). Hopefully I will get around to posting our day...

