Just two weeks ago we still had tons of snow on the ground (don't worry it's all gone now, at least from our yard, however our silly weatherman is predicting 3-6 inches tomorrow night).

All through the winter I wondered what on earth Fisher will do outside once the snow is gone.

That blue shovel was like an extra appendage anytime we were outside. It was his personal mission to shovel snow all over the neighborhood. Not necessarily to do anything helpful with it, mind you, just to pick it up and dump it out.

I never thought we'd get rid of waist-high piles of snow, let alone the piles that were over MY head.

(Oh yes, and it was Fake Moustache Day at school, too, for April Fool's.)
It's a good thing I watched and waited for those maple blossoms, because, as I remembered, their show was short-lived, only two or three days and the wind took the whites of them clear away.

But for those two or three days, it was like someone had put light bulbs in our maple tree, which for those two or three days, was much appreciated while we waited for the piles of snow to finally melt.
1 comment:
What beautiful blossoms! Ours haven't really made an appearance yet (thankfully cause we had 6" last night!). Any day now though...
Fisher & Ben would have a ball together. Ben's fav word is "dump it!"
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