Friday, November 04, 2011


It's November, and I haven't shared pictures of the all-important October event! My Cinderella and my firefighter. Sometimes he likes to call himself the "def-ity," or, as some people pronounce it, deputy. It was my year to go out with the kids, a situation of which I quickly lost control and had to call in reinforcement, aka Nana. In case it isn't clear why I, a very capable mother myself, could not handle my two delightful children for an evening of trick or treating, let me explain how my daughter is a trick or treating animal. Once I realized that Fisher was a slow trick or treater (well, a perfect pace for a three-year-old), and Alla was a crazy one, I had to get my mom out there and somehow (thank you, Mom!) she ended up traipsing all over the neighborhood with Alla while I peacefully strolled the block with "Defity" Fisher.

After trick or treating their hearts out, I took them to another neighborhood with some friends to see a seriously spooky house, and they both held my hand for dear life. It was a truly delightful year for tricks and treats.


Cathy Bolander said...

Happy Halloween Killins Kids. I love your costumes & love that Alla is a crazy trick or treater. We too had to call in the reinforcements because pushing Holly in the stroller was not easy when trying to chase after 3 boys.

Melanie said...

that second photo is just priceless!

Megan said...

That is one beautiful princess! I would love for the defity to save my family any day.

