Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving memories.

Thanksgiving is really about the food and the people with whom you share all that richness. Most of my memories of this holiday growing up are just a bunch of tastes and smells all rolled up into recipes that I re-create now in my own kitchen for turkey and stuffing and cranberry sauce and the rest of the trimmings, as Alla likes to call them.

But today, before the day had even gotten under way, I knew immediately that I had my favorite Thanksgiving memory of Fisher, when we said we had 5 minutes until the parade started and he rushed downstairs to the window to peek behind the shade. Oh yes, our very own parade on our very own street! We all realized at the same time in those innocent little three-year-old eyes, how terribly adorable and sweet and once in a lifetime. There would never be another mistake like that, because from this Thanksgiving, he will remember that we watch the parade on TV with sweet potato biscuits and sausages and coffee.

Happy Thanksgiving, littlest love. I am so thankful for you.

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