I mean, unless you count getting ready for all the family to roll in on Friday, right when we hope we also get our first snow. Let's just stop there. Nope, that teeny bit we got before didn't count, we are still waiting on something substantial. Feet. Not inches, not flurries or "wintry mix," I want FEET at this point. Honestly, this
is Minnesota, right? So while we wait for that, we are counting down the days 'til Nana comes, talking about all the things to show her, and naming all the people that will be here: Nana, Pappi, Uncle John, Aunt Jenn. She really can't wait. I know she loves me and all, but I am thinking she won't even notice I'm here she'll be so absorbed in all the new attention. Well she deserves it, cause we all know she gets absolutely no attention from me all day long.
Catie, if you're reading this, I bet you didn't know that you can wear a Hawaiian dress with a long sleeve top and tights underneath in the middle of December. Well now you do. Don't you just love that she's holding her skirt?

And seriously the best thing going on, not around here, but anywhere, is the birth of Lauren Elisabeth to my dear friend Susie, who I think now has herself a gaggle of girls. Love you, friend.
I love the dress with the warmth. It makes the cold not seem so cold, right? I feel the same way when we get visitors. I kind of become invisible to the girls. It's good that they love their grandparents so much!
Congratulations, Susie! And Alla looks beautiful in her winter hawaiian attire--she'd be all set for Colorado. . . we've had probably 3+ feet of snow and have drifts almost 8' in our yard. I think it's heading your way, so hopefully you'll have a white Christmas, too!
what a DOLL!
I didn't know you celebrated Lauren over here :) What a sweet friend you are with the coolest Hawaiian princess ever. Merry Belated Christmas, friend.
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