Monday, February 12, 2007

Just Monday.

We didn't go to school today cause Alla is still battling a cold. I like to think of myself as a relatively respectful parent who doesn't want other parents worrying like I was yesterday about their sick, completely out-of-it child. So we stayed in. Alla has gotten a ton of sleep lately, so I think she's on the mend. Good thing, cause I miss her spunk.

Don't you love when you turn the camera around and you get what you felt right there in that lovely warm afternoon sun shining in your window while Alla shielded her eyes and repeated too bright over and over?

Here's the thing about Baby: we got her at Target over the summer, in response to how much she loved Ashby's baby. Baby has been her favorite ever since, with or without clothing. We have now and again asked her what Baby's name is, and she'll just say, Alla, to which we respond, No, that's your name. But recently the conversation changed.

What is Baby's name?

[Alla puts on her most pensive face.]


Rolla. That's Baby's name. Rolla and Baby are interchangeable, but still. We have a name. And the name sticks. For a few days now. So there you have it, Baby Rolla.

And Valentine's began today when Nana & Pappi's valentine arrived. Yay stickers! They later ended up on her belly...


Megan said...

That's funny about the stickers. The girls now put them on other people's faces. Where did Rolla come from? Glad she is on the mend.

erin said...

What a great post. Loved every little detail about it. Keep it coming girl. I feel like I live next door when I get details like that!

Anonymous said...

Yeah!! Such cute pics! Grace put lots of stickers on my face today.. love it! Hope she's all better soon!

Roebot said...

i would love to know what she is thinking in the second picture - really sweet

pakosta said...

schooL? i didn't know she went to schOOL!!! where at?! she isn't even two yet! must be mommy and me school! LOL!!!!
love the sun photo!
so sweet!

