1. We now have a gallery of Alla's art hung by clothespins on a length of yarn between two bannisters. Sometimes she walks by and says oh wow.
2. We have reached the point of actually needing at least ten items at Costco. Might be a scary trip. And yes, dried cranberries and a whole box of mangos for myself are absolute needs.
3. I desperately need a manicure.
4. Tomorrow will be the first trip with Alla where we've actually purchased a seat for her on the plane.
5. You should see the trees here, all covered with thick blankets of snow. So so pretty. Hard to remember green grass.
6. I am sucking at my New Year's resolution of going to bed earlier. Seriously not enough free time in a day for vegging out, working out, blogging, editing, scrapbooking, spending a few minutes with my husband, and reading.
7. Speaking of which, Andrea, I am also sucking at Saving Fish From Drowning. But I'm plugging away. At this rate I might be finished in time for the new Harry Potter.
8. Wishing we were with Catie and Randy on a sandy beach right now.
9. On Sunday the big dig-out was a neighborhood effort. Everyone helped everyone with extra shovels and snowblowers, and our next-door neighbor suppled everyone with homemade chai. Our neighborhood is awesome. I think there's a need for a block party. When it warms up.
10. Anyone else super excited that spring forward happens way early this year?
I love the art work. Ours is covering my fridge. What made you decide to get Alla her own seat this time? It's nice when neighbors help each other out like that and have fun doing it. March 11 can't come soon enough!
Andy is really erxcited about the time change- he has mentioned it numerous times. I want to hit him sometimes, it's only a time change, hon. But I won't hit you, or him, even if I think it.
Lots of fun stuff for this Tuesday! Where are you guys flying? I guess I'll find out once you get back and blog some pics. And, yes, I am THRILLED that daylight savings time happens on Mar 11--just shy of my 6 week post-partum window to start running again. An extra hour of evening light means I can go for a run once Rich gets home from work!
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