1. Can you even resist this cheek hanging out of her diaper after napping without pants?
2. Have you tried the family kiss, in which one parent holds the child and you all simultaneously kiss one another? Alla adores this, started asking for it tonight, and has since found utter joy in the family hug as well.
3. What she told Daddy on Saturday morning when he went in her room to get her out of bed: 'Daddy, I have a filthy diaper.'
4. April [snow] showers bring May flowers. Yes it's snowing. Yes it's 27 degrees. Yes it was 81 last Monday.
5. Have you tried Cover Girl's Lash Exact mascara? I have been a Great Lash Girl since junior high. I will never go back. Lash Exact rocks.
6. I've been thinking of all the lovely birthday gifts and outings for Alla later this month. Her favorite things. All in one day, one weekend. One of those should really be bubble wrap. In fact that might be all she needs. The big size.
7. Missing Megan and missing out on the new one.
8. My daughter sat on the Easter Bunny's lap today. Sat. For awhile.
9. I hope my DHC order comes this week. That would really make my week.
10. Just a lunch photo. Applesauce and pastas. 

I love the filthy diaper comment! One of her momma's favorite words. Can't wait until Hayden can say that. . . lord knows we've told him on numerous occasions that he has a filthy diaper.
I miss you too. Great ten!
1. Love teh bum hangin' out. Ash has it on occasion...
2. I'm not the only weirdo taking pictures of my kids eating. Love that :)
That's not to say you're a weirdo, I'm just sayin'.
I love watching Ashby run around in the living room with a diaper on. I just love baby butts and legs. So cute!
Just started the Cover GIrl mascara. I like it better than my Mary Kay!
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