Thank you all for your support, thoughts, prayers. We feel them...
What we're doing in this very in-between time:
1. Park playdate today. Our park is completely shaded. You can't beat it.
2. Which leads me to this: I broke down and turned on the a/c for bedtime last night. My breaking point was 84 degrees in the house. And since it wasn't going to be cooler today, I figured we might as well go on and start it up for the summer. No need to suffer the miserable heat. Now 72 in the house feels chilly.
3. Took a splinter out of the little one's foot. Walking around barefoot is only fun til mama has to pull out the splinter.
4. I'm watching old episodes of 90210 on soap net. With all this miserable nothingness of summer television, I'm excited to have found this. Now, I've seen all these episodes, probably a few times, and I still did not remember that Kelly and Matt were engaged. Are we after her and Brandon left each other at the altar? What I really loved was watching the one where Steve and Janet led everyone on that scavenger hunt to their impromptu wedding.
5. Took Alla to see Shrek the Third on Saturday morning, on Stacey's recommendation. She mostly liked it:) The part where Shrek is having a nightmare about his future baby that violently spits up across the room did not thrill her. Kind of freaked her out and induced immediate sobbing. But we stayed til the end, and she delighted in the three little Shrek babies rolling around in the mud!
6. The other part of that movie that made her cry was when they played Damien Rice's 9 Crimes. It was like she could feel how sad that song is or something. Again, immediate sobbing.
7. The garden is up and [hopefully] growing: dahlias, zinnia, lettuce, cosmos, zucchini, strawberries, sunflower, and Alla's little marigold that she's been growing from seed since Easter. Tomatoes soon.
8. Listening to The Weepies which reminds me so much of when we bought that album last summer. Oh the memories. Hot, long days with her on my hip and quick jaunts to a store or two here and there before naptime. And the world spins madly on.
9. Going shoe shopping. Leaving her sitting there playing with the foot measurer thing for a second, then turning around and finding her pants off and she's telling me she has to measure her leg. Oh that funny girl.
10. Ron's dad will be laid to rest on Thursday. Please continue sending your thoughts and prayers...I'm not sure how long it takes for the ones left behind to truly rest again.

i can totally picture the shoe store situation. ohh what fun times these are with these kiddos! its good to have them in times of sadness too. Such light and hope they bring. we are thinking of yall!
i can't wait to take Ashby to her first movie. wasn't alla's first movie Happy Feet?
I love your lists. . . I could comment on just about every item! I do hope you'll post some pics of the garden. We planted 2 tomato plants last week. We bought them at the nursery and there was already some small fruit and many flowers (figured with our short growing season, we didn't have time to mess around). After 60 mph winds last Wednesday, the poor plants may not last. . . so sad.
Be safe on your travels to the east. Best wishes for the family. Good luck on the garden.
sending up those prayers- know he's in a better place helps but it still hurts those left behind... thinking about ya friend
Many hugs and warm wishes to you and the family during this difficult time. You are right to try and keep things as normal for Alla as possible, given the circumstances.
after you question on the last ten on tuesday- i stayed up last night watching both of the episodes of Army Wifes on the computer- LOVE IT! did you get around to watching it- i highly suggest it and have decided its going to be "my top show" for the season!
let me know what you think!
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