But now that she's three, Daddy and Alla have forged a bond and a Daddy-daughter relationship that I hope stands firm even when she hates her parents for grounding her. 

You almost expect the new baby to need Daddy and Mommy equally, like Alla does now. Until you realize that he doesn't. He needs Mama all.the.time. Just like she did. 

So it's nice when I see this. Daddy and his son, that he loves fiercely, who is another child of ours but who is a boy and so he's just a different breed, and we're seeing how Alla is blooming now; we can't wait to see how this boy will do the same. In his own way. 

And, Fish, you can bet your Dada will be first in line to see all the amazing things you'll do. Because he is the most wonderful Daddy. You really scored, little man.
Those two are pretty sweet.
There are some handsome men. We do have a great group of guys, don't we?
He looks quite content in daddy's arms
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