Monday, September 29, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Ten on Tuesday.

Friday, September 19, 2008

You are riding along with your sister for Mama's runs, and today got to go for your first one by yourself in the BOB. You couldn't stop looking up at me through the little window.
You are very vocal. We're pretty sure Da-da will eventually be your first word.
You mostly take two naps.
You've been sleeping through the night for almost two weeks now, 6:30pm-6:30am. We love you.
You're in 6-12 month and 12 month clothes.
You can scoot all over and backwards.
You like that xylophone. The saucer, so-so. The highchair, about five minutes. The crib with some toys, a little longer.
Sitting up means a whole new perspective, and new things to grab. Like grass. Mmmmmmm.
You loooooooooooooooooooove your lovey. If we ever lost that thing...oh! I shudder to think.
And we love you. Happy Six Months, Buddy! Happy Birthday!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Twenty-six weeks.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Ten on Tuesday.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Off to preschool.

She did it. Up and went off to preschool and barely signed 'see ya later' to me. She was pretty proud of herself today. Don't know how she got that big. Might be the new shoes. Well, 'new' is a relative term. I bought them in June, they were too big, so now, three months later, they are still new to her.
Best part of her day might have been that the Back to School Fairy (There are a lot of fairies! The MnM Fairy, the Fairy Godmother, Flora, Fauna, and Merriweather, and The Back to School Fairy - Wow!) came while she was away at her first day, and left her a nice little gift of new watercolors and watercolor paper.
She said to me while she immiedately painted away, The Back to School Fairy gave me the wonderfullest present! This is my favorite thing ever!
We love you, little girl.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Ten on Tuesday: The Sunday Edition.

And yell at Daddy to slide down, too.

6. And see glorious Minnesota September skies.

Friday, September 05, 2008
'Round here.

Little girl vignettes.

Alla loves to gaze at her garden. I'm starting to wonder how long said garden has left.

We are looking forward to homemade Pizza Friday.
I'm still shedding like crazy.
He has an incredible smile.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008
The state fair MONSTER post.
We got to hit up the fair on Labor Day again with our friends Craig + Nicole and their two boys, Carter + Canton, who are all absolutely the most wonderful friends. We are so lucky.
The fair seems to work best EARLY. So we got up at 6:30, fed and changed Fisher, and headed out the door. Arriving early guarantees you free parking on the streets outside the fair. Here they are at 7:30 am walking toward the main entrance. So excited.