OK, here we go. Since you were all waiting all weekend, I know, to find out what we saw and, more importantly, what we ate!
Susan, this is really for you.
We got to hit up the fair on Labor Day again with our friends Craig + Nicole and their two boys, Carter + Canton, who are all absolutely the most wonderful friends. We are so lucky.
The fair seems to work best EARLY. So we got up at 6:30, fed and changed Fisher, and headed out the door. Arriving early guarantees you free parking on the streets outside the fair. Here they are at 7:30 am walking toward the main entrance. So excited.

The grown-ups' favorite part: the coffee. Craig introduced me to breves. Um, yum. A latte but replace the milk with half and half. Perfect way to start off the eating frenzy.

The kids were content with their bags of mini-donuts.

We were content with their i.d. wristbands:)

Listen, Fisher was like the easiest baby. We didn't hear a peep unless it was a happy peep. Not a fuss until he got the hiccups. We didn't even realize until LUNCHTIME that we hadn't even changed him once. Bad parents.

The fair is about everything being on a stick, including boulders apparently.

How many years do we have of this, the kids just wanting to pet the animals. Seriously cheap dates.

The fair is also about stuffing your face with the
filthiest fattiest food you can find. But we had heard about the peaches, so we stuffed our faces with those. And apples, and frozen apple cider. That is one big peach she's got there.

See, he was just along for the ride.

So were the three-year-olds.

Carter is simply the sweetest, putting his arm around Alla to get her to see what he sees. The whole fair must just be an absolute wonderland to a child.

She just wanted ice cream. Nevermind that what she got was raspberry whip from Dole. She just told herself it was strawberry.

Fish and Nicole enjoying the music, or enjoying Dancing Canton.

The end of the day, hasn't her face grown a bit long?

Him, when we got back to the car. That poor lovey still smelled like all things State Fair this morning: sweet-sweet cotton candy, everything fried, sweat, hot, dirt. As if he enjoyed any of that himself!
She did cheer up but we saw much more of that long face later in the day, and that's why both kids were in bed by 7. She won this ducky on the midway:) She was not the big fan of rides this year, didn't even want to go down the giant slide with her mama. She's entered a cautious phase, I'm afraid, so that means for sure she didn't want anything to do with the Ferris Wheel that the Francisco-Osterhaus clan went on. I did manage to shove her onto the SkyRide, but there are no pics from our view up there because she would not let me unwrap one single arm from around her lest she fall out or something.

OK, so the round-up of Fair Foods Consumed 2008, that I can remember, between the eight of us. Well, between the seven of us. Fisher didn't exactly get his first-hand.
fried meatball on a stick
giant pretzel
frozen pressed apple cider
chocolate-covered key lime pie on a stick
fish taco
deep fried Snicker
Dole whip raspberry cone
Sweet Martha's cookies
cotton candy
I think that's it? Nicole?
How on earth do you put key lime pie on a stick? Mazie was totally in that cautious stage-still is unless Jamie does it first. Then we can't possibly let our little sister show us up!
Sounds like you had a wonderful day. Just reading your list of food made me full. Fish looks so much like ron.
Sorry, but how did you find so much healthy-ish food at the fair? It's a way better list than ours. Ours included french fries, funnel cakes and nitro icecream Yikes!
sounds like an absolutely wonderful day :)
I will never understand te theory behind deep fried snickers. Maybe I'll have to try them?
Looks like you all had a splendid time and bonus-with good friends to enjoy it with- what a blessing!
P.S. Love the new banner- that's new right? I"m not just like sleeping when I come to visit?
Oh that's a pregnant woman's dream day! (-:
Glad to hear you guys had a good time!
Sounds like an awesome time and some wonderful eats. Although, I still can't get over that you got up that early to go to a fair. :) There is no way I could talk my DH into that.
Chocolate-covered key lime pie on a stick! YUM! That sounds soooo good. But I must say I'm a little surprised that there was no fried twinkie on a stick. Looks like a fun fun day :-)
i am so IN AWE of your recap. and of your deep fried snickers. :) miss it... & miss you guys! we are back in mn at the end of the month for a couple of days... (ev and i are hanging while eric works!) we need to make a plan for a playdate!!!!
Adam is just now getting out of the cautious stage. The food sounds decadent.
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