2. It's very hard to take pictures of your daughter while holding your son (even in a sling) who pulls the camera strap just as you're about to get your shot. Oh well. Little girl + apples = proof we were there.

3. More proof, thanks to Matt! It's always more fun to go apple-picking with friends. Unfortunately it was a mad rush to get family pictures because of wiggly kids, so I got pics of my family and Matt+Shelly got pics of their family, but we don't have pics of each other's families. Bummer. So you'll have to go there to see them.
4. Do you know what I realized I LOVE about these photos when I was editing them? The interlaced hands of my children. Ah, sweet kids.

4. The apple crisp recipe I use. And we did make one on Sunday, and I did finish it. Yes, that yummy.
5. If I bring home just one more "green" book from the library I think Ron may look into having my library card privileges revoked.
6. Think Alla and I need to make these little ghosties.
7. Yoga class starts tomorrow night. It is very hard to find a yoga class that starts after your baby goes to bed. Even when said baby goes to bed at the early hour of 6:30.
8. Said baby has just woken up from his morning nap and is upstairs making all sorts of funny-cute baby sounds.
9. Little girl is at preschool this morning. I cannot wait to see what she brings home in her folder. It's like being a kid in school again myself. I get all giddy to see what notices are stuffed into her folder, book orders being tops on my list. OK, I am enjoying seeing her school work, too. Last week she brought home a whole page of A's that she had traced. ETA: She brought home a note stating that her school had a case of head lice reported. Perfect. I'm sure this is just the first of many of this kind of notice in her school years.
10. Had Fisher's six-month appointment yesterday. The little guy is 29.5 inches and 19 pounds, 3 ounces.
Too funny about the library card privileges, j.j.! If Ron takes your card away, alla will just have to buy more books from that book order sheet - lol! Enjoy your yoga class!!!!
Fun, fun family shots ;) I could use some- want to make a trip down to OhiO??
oh your family is just beautiful :)
NINETEEN POUNDS?????? I am hoping for a mere 14 for tiny charlie.
oh and i LOVE their hands. TOO CUTE!
I swear Alla looks more like you in every picture. Love the holding hands too.
Ok, is it me or is Alla A LOT longer than the last time she was photographed? So sweet those two holding hands. You all look so lovely.
Oooo, can't wait to try that apple crisp recipe! I LOVE fall foods. And what a great family picture. Love those smiles and those hand holds.
Wow, that is a BIG boy you have on your hands. Those were Hayden's 13/14 month stats!
Lovely pictures! How funny that Kelsea was just asking about picking apples with Alla last week!
I love the family photos. You all look so nice. And your little guys is definitely not too little but oh so cute. Can't wait to hold him.
What a wonderful family picture! I love that they are holding hands. That is so sweet.
I get excited over the preschool folder also. You just never know what they are going to experience in just a few hours. :)
Beautiful pictures of the whole family!!!! I always thought that Fisher looked just like his daddy, but I am starting to see a lot of Mama in that little guy.
What a wonderful picture of your beautiful family!
And how *sweet* that they are holding hands :)
You are such a beautiful bunch! Love the family shots! Your hair is so long girl! Alla is getting so tall right? Can't wait to see you! xoxo dre
who knew? there actually is a child larger than my own as measured at their 6 month appointment. ;)
I can really see the resemblance between Alla and you in these shots! So fun!
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