2. I am hopelessly hooked on the new 90210. I know, I know.
3. For dinner tonight we had zucchini fries using a recipe from a new food-for-kids blog I discovered, Tiny Morsels. Scroll down for the recipe.
4. Sara just sent me a cool website where you can find out how many people in the U.S. have your exact first + last name. I'm one of four, Ron is one of three, and I think it's incredibly cool that Alla and Fisher are the only ones in the entire country with their exact names.
5. I was walking through the mall on Sunday and saw a girl looking at earrings and thought to myself, When was the last time I shopped for earrings? This is kind of neither here nor there, because I have a gorgeous pair of earrings that Ron gave me my first Mother's Day that I wear nearly everday and I love. Just an interesting thought.
6. I am proud to say that I am just starting my September Real Simple and have yet to crack the October one. Love that.
7. Fisher is so ready for a sippy cup, as he grabs at my cup and makes a clicking noise with his tongue everytime it's filled with water. He loves to drink water from my cup.

8. I desperately need a new computer. Any ideas?
9. We had our second annual block party on Saturday afternoon, despite the first hour and a half being under a downpour. So, the firetruck this year wasn't quite the main attraction spraying the kiddos with water, but that's okay, they had a blast anyway.

10. I'll leave you with photos of the late afternoon and evening. Mostly the kids made up their own games, like playing school in our garage with the easel chalkboard, running the street with sparklers leftover from the Fourth, and stopping for homemade ice cream when their bellies rumbled hungry. We love our neighborhood. It's seriously wonderful.

been waiting for your post!
man, i LOVe alla's dimple!
i just did the name reader thing, there is exactly one ONE tara pakosta and only ONE of each savannah and ava pakosta also! but go figure there are 4 michael pakosta's (one of them is my husband michael and one is his cousin michael--ha funny)....that was cooL! love the pictures as always. hey dude get a DELL, that's what i have and i LOVE IT!
Sara sent me that site too. Jeremiah, Mazie, Jacob, and I are the only people with our names. There are two Jamie Stahrs apparently. I suggest a Dell desktop. I do not suggest getting a Dell in a laptop. Ours didn't work out for us. Our desktop works wonderfully though!
there are 7 A. L..'s... that is only my name for a month and 2 days... :)
is it wrong that i shop for earrings like daily! and shoes, and lip gloss and pajamas, and work pants... i need therapy.
xoxo dre
We love our Macbook. There are some growing pains going from a PC to a Mac, but totally worth it. Their customer service is in the US. We will never go back (especially since I learned how to use imovie..check out the blog).
apple all the way baby :)
Another vote for Dell if you want Microsoft. Love that the block party is rain or shine!!! Looks like another fun year!!!
love that umbrella picture!
I love my HP laptop!
I LOVE the new 90210 too! We are so 1994 aren't we? LOL!!!
It's funny (and I guess a little sad) how different things are just a few blocks down from yours. Things are pretty quiet at our end of the neighborhood. But we do LOVE the park.
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