Sunday, March 07, 2010

Excuse me, sir.

Fisher loves this game, one Daddy invented a long time ago. It goes something like this - Fisher says, "Call Fisher," and we do it like this...

Excuse me, sir, have you seen my son? He has brown hair, brown eyes...
...two dimples...
...he's about this tall...
...and he has the silliest laugh. Do you want to hear his laugh? (Then we tickle him. He laughs.)
There's my Fisher!


Megan said...

So adorable. I love that big smile of his. Miss you

Cathy Bolander said...

So cute. I wish I could hear his life.

pakosta said...

awwwwwww cutest boy~!
love these pix! and your cute game!

Sue Thomas said...

Oh how sweet!!!!

Katie said...

Darling! Can you believe he's just a few days away from turning 2?!

Sara said...

What a fantastic post.

