What's to think about, you say? LOTS: what will Fisher eat that is allergen-free? Will they make french fries in a separate fryer, because once he sees the other kids with them, he'll want them, too. How will I be able to figure out how many carbs are in his meal?
Fisher, for all intents and purposes, had never been to a restaurant. Last time, in September 2008, he was not yet eating solid food. I don't think he even knew what to expect - that they BRING YOU FOOD!
To answer the questions: yes, they cook french fries in a dedicated allergen-free fryer. The manager brought them out herself. The hamburger was just plain meat, no fillers. The manager brought us a print-out of their gluten-free menu, as well as a carb count for the french fries. It was completely enjoyable!

Today: I sauteed red onion and spinach and placed this in corn tortillas with a triangle of babybel cheese for lunch. No, not for the kids - for ME:)
Today: I dug through my stash of gift bags and packed us each a "junkful" (as Alla would say) of food (Fisher's all carb-counted and labeled) because...
Tomorrow: we get to meet Ashton, my nephew!
See you next [birthday] week!
That's enough to make me want to give Red Robin any and all future restaurant business I might have. How absolutely perfect.
that is so awesome that you were able to have an enjoyable meal!
I'm glad you dining out experience went well! Good luck on the flight and have so much fun smothering that baby with lots of hugs and kisses (and enjoying the warm weather)!
Ha. I was just coming to say something but Katherine beat me to it. Gold star for Red Robin.
That's great that Red Robin does that. And I feel you on the going out to eat. We haven't been out to eat with Jimmy ever. And the last time we went as a family of 4 is so long ago I can't even remember. Have such a great time with your family.
I just LOVE the customer service at REd RobiN! seriously, every single time I go there, the manager comes right to our table and asks us how the food was!
how awesome that they did that for you! now you know one restaurant you can count on!
have a fun week>!
I'm still shaking my head in disbelief (and maybe AWE!) that you all hadn't eaten out as a family in that long. Such discipline and restraint and good meal planning! I'm glad it was a good experience, J!
How wonderful of Red Robin and how fantastic that you were able to eat out as a family!!!!
that is so great of Red Robin! Glad you had such a nice experience! Have fun with Ashton!
That is lovely. I can't believe it's been that long. Crazy really. We don't do dinner a whole lot but we do go out to breakfast quite a bit..well at least once a month.
Enjoy your trip to CA...can't you all just swing down to LA. :-)
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