1. My son, my youngest babe, turned three on Saturday. As soon as someone would wish him a Happy Birthday, he would say the same to them.
2. My daughter, my oldest, has the warmest,kindest spirit. She gets just as excited for his birthday as he does. She can't wait for him to see what the day holds.

3. It held his very own CAT front-wheeler. Come spring, this little boy is going to be digging and dumping.

4. Alla chose her most festive outfit for the special occasion.

5. We had some special guests! Nana and Pappi, Aunt Jenn, Uncle John, and cousin Ashton.

6. It's hard to resist finding a moment for a photo with my sweet son.

7. He had all of us watch the Mighty Machines DVD he opened.
8. My girl again, so happy that it's time to sing to her little brother. She made sure all of the important stuff happened for him on his big day.

9. Fisher was super excited about singing time, too, until he saw that thing on his cupcake, that candle, and once he blew it out, he promptly asked us to get it off. And then ate half the cupcake before deciding he didn't really like it. You're picky about desserts, little man.

10. I'd post his official 5:46 pm photo here, but as it turns out, at 5:45 pm he got up from the dinner table and ran to the potty, so that when the clock struck the official minute of his birth, he was mid-pee. That's my boy.
Happy 3rd Fisher! It looks like your family especially your big sis helped make your day wonderful.
Happy 3rd birthday Fisher. I can hardly believe you are three. Someday, somehow, your Mama and I are going to get you and Charlie together. Because I think you would be great friends :)
happy 3rd bday fisher!
you need a special 546 blog just for fisher! hA HA!!!
he's such a GREAT kid jj!
can't wait to see pix of him in action digging!!!
I was hoping the whole day was special for him. Happy Birthday, Fisher. We miss you and wish you a big year!
oh, so funny. Can you wait to see the dueling front-end loaders?
Will. Be. Awesome.
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