Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ten on Tuesday.

1. Our oven is broken, and being the cheap piece of junk that came with the house, it seems a good time to replace it. That said, I'm going to be without an oven for a week (oh poor me, I know), and suddenly it seems as though I've forgotten any other way to cook.

2. We've had glorious weather since Friday, in the 70s and sunny everyday, and we've absolutely spent as much of it as possible outside.

3. It felt so good to dig last year's roots, leaves, and dead marigold stalks out of the garden this morning.

4. It's a good thing we got in the garden this morning, because the 40s are supposed to return tomorrow and last through the weekend.

5. Weather be darned, we are going to have ourselves a Cinco de Mayo fiesta this weekend!

6. We also got to bike to Alla's school this morning and are about to turn around and head back soon.

7. One of my better Pinterest finds was an article about why your kids should memorize poetry. Being the type of person who doesn't read directions, I skipped the 'why' portion and went right to the 'how to' section, and have since had a poem up on the fridge for them. The February and March ones were each 8 lines, and just having them up there, reading them a couple times, got them memorized. I was astounded. The April poem is only 4 lines, and we are looking forward to working on a new one tomorrow.

8. My daughter, animal lover that she is, tried to pick up a mouse over the weekend, presumably to play with it or cuddle it or just hold it, and got bit. Thankfully the doctor checked it out and her thumb won't be falling off.

9. Sadly, I've only made it through 11 pages of The Runaway King, and it's due back to the library tomorrow. The book drew me in from the first line, and started doing a good job reminding me of what happened in The False Prince, which I adored, but I've been too busy to read more than just at bedtime, which is typically when I fall asleep with the book on my face.

10. Hopefully you heard the good news! After 7 years of being a very casual photographer, I finally have a website! I hope you'll check it out and tell all your friends.

1 comment:

kwpershey said...

I love your website!! Beautiful. Good luck to you!

