Sunday, March 09, 2008

Thoughts at 40 weeks.

I am truly dedicated to getting this baby out. Went out for a walk before lunch today in 22 degree weather. Even ran a little. Anyone looking out their window must have wondered what that crazy pregnant lady was doing. Um, trying to get this baby out, thankyouverymuch. Even though Alla tells me, We can't WALK babies out! Well I am at least going to try, little one.

And since the weather forecast for this week calls for mid 30s to mid 40s (and maybe even FIFTY-THREE by Saturday, heart be still), I think that walking is what we'll be doing every day after nap.

Perhaps Katie's theory is right, that Pondegore was waiting for warmer temperatures before making an appearance. Well, you are going to get them this week, baby, so any day is fine.

Seeing an acupuncturist on Wednesday evening (not-so-secretly hoping this will do the trick).

Ron and I finished season two of Weeds last night. Rent this show immediately. It is that good.

We go back to the midwife on Wednesday morning to check-in and see if anything is actually happening. Last pregnancy at that point, my water had broken. I'm hopeful.

It really sucks that I've been having contractions for months, and they don't seem to be doing anything.

A lot of you are out of the baby pool, now, huh? Guess it doesn't pay to be nice to the mama and say she's going to deliver early.

I think a lot of you also didn't pay attention to the original post about said baby pool. Or there wouldn't be any guesses under nine pounds!

That's all I got for today. Like I said, don't assume any blog absence means I'm in labor. It doesn't. Apparently Pondegore likes being in my belly where it's nice and warm, and has no plans to come out anytime soon.


Susie said...

Can I just say that I am on pins and needles here waiting for Pondegore's arrival??

Tara said...

I have been checking your blog like crazy - any day.

I remember walking and shoveling snow on Knoll Street one week before Ashby was born. I really felt that the shoveling would speed up the process. No such luck.

kwpershey said...

I laughed out loud at the thought of a very, very pregnant lady running through the snow in Minnesota. I went hiking at Abalone Cove at 40 weeks and 1 day. Sadly, it didn't do a thing.

Can't wait for the good news!

Katie said...

Hmmm, it's got to be the weather or maybe he doesn't want to be a Pisces and is trying to hold out until he's an Aries? Glad to hear the acupuncturist called you back and can't wait to hear how it went!

Dre said...

Rats! I'm out on the baby pool
:( well, A for effort and good thoughts to my fave crazy pregnant lady. C'mon Pondi! We are waiting for you!
love you J.J...

Rina said...

I was hoping for "good news" for your sake more then anyone's honey!!! (((BIG HUGS)))...P is dead set on his/her birthday it seems and it's a secret to us. I did accupuncture for 6 months to get pregnant. Totally believe in it! If you haven't done it before, you will find it has an amazing effect on you. Which I hope in turn means baby comes out! LOL at the running in the snow. hey a girls' gotta do what a girl's got to do! Oh and LOVE Weeds! That show is sooooooo sweaome. Looking forward to the next season when it comes out on Netflix. I already have it in my quere :).

Heather Walker said...

Here's hoping that Pondegore decides to come earlier than Alla did, which would maybe today's the day, huh? I'm sending positive vibes your way.... l

