Sunday, March 02, 2008

39 Weeks.

And surely there's only one more week of pregnancy, right? Right? Well plenty of you have guessed that the end is actually nearer than a week, so I love all of YOU. The ones that guessed past my due date, not so much.

At least we're all pretty much healthy now!

We might need to pack our bags.
Set up the co-sleeper.
Get out the bouncy seat (or something, you know, just to make it look like a baby is welcome here).
Wrap Alla's gift to Pondegore and Pondegore's gift to Alla.

Finished my last photo shoot yesterday and those shots are ready for the family.

Did a giant Target run this morning, after which we drove another 45 minutes round-trip to get some Panera for the grown-ups and McDonald's for the little one as a reward (all three of us needed rewards).

Think that's about it. I keep wondering, is this the last time I'll wash my hair (remember I'm a once a week gal), is this the last time I'll clean the house, is this the last time I'll put Alla to bed as an only child. Sigh. Her life is about to change, but for the better, I hope. I thought I'd be more emotional about it, but instead I'm so miserably uncomfortable that I can focus on nothing but getting the baby OUT.


Megan said...

You know it will come to an end soon. HE can't stay in there forever. I wish you comfort soon.

Katie said...

Don't worry J.J. in another 2-3 weeks he or she will be here. (-:

pakosta said...

i HOPE it's SOON for your sake or that kid is going to way 12lbs LOL>! that photo of you two is so cute and seeing her in that coat warms my heart! i HOPE she likes the GAP one i am sending her.! i can't wait to see photos of her digging thru that box!

Jody Wenner said...

well, i wish you a safe and healthy delivery (oh, and super fast) :-)
I'll be waiting for that call to come over and help in any way that I can. remember that i am kidless on wed. and friday mornings...

can't wait to meet the little guy!

Cathy Bolander said...

I love that photo. It reminds me of the photo I took with Johnnie on my way to the hospital, except your little one is all smiles. I can't wait for the day when Johnnie enjoys posing for the camera. Your little one should be here soon... Friday!

elizabeth rosemond said...

Ummm, yeah. I'm having a scheduled c-section on Monday (3/10), so I TOTALLY feel you pain :)

Amanda Cowan said...

Mm.. Maybe we need to make a Panera/Target run..hehe. I love to see the She/he references.. *She* will love hearing about the debate someday! hehe

Rina said...

LOVE that picture. Alla could totally sit on the top of your tummy and you wouldn't even have to hold onto her and she's stay put just fine :)! Darling!

kelly said...

you look gorgeous, j.j.!

Sue Thomas said...

You look wonderful, j.j.!!!!!! I hope pondegore arrives sooner rather than later!!!!

Tara said...

You look so beautiful and Alla is absolutely going to be the BEST big sister ever!

Dre said...

oh my god! i love that picture! your stomach looks bigger than when alla was in there j.j., and that's saying a lot! lol! i wish i could rub that belly and talk to that little guy who i think will be here this week too. for your sake friend!

so- seriously, you only wash your hair once a week? just wondering. luv, dre

kwpershey said...

Oh, I commiserate COMPLETELY. Hang in there.

