2. Alla's friend, Leigha, told her a birthday joke at her party on Saturday. It was too cute to hear her try and master the knock-knock variety:
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Iguana who?
Iguana wish you a happy birthday!
3. Sometimes it snows in April. Prince, who is from the Twin Cities, knew exactly what he was talking about.

4. Alla woke up to a half-inch on her birthday, which confirmed that we had indeed made the right decision to have her party inside!
5. Elizabeth, thank you kindly. The cookie decorating was a hit. Although my own daughter didn't do so much decorating as dumping half a bottle of blue sprinkles onto a partially frosted cookie and then just scooping mounds of blue into her mouth.

7. I'm kind of alarmed that as I sat there photographing her blowing out the candles I actually forgot to tell her to make a wish. I think I might have thought she just knew that. We might have to have a do-over this weekend. More chocolate cupcakes! Or something:)
8. Did you know that when you put on your new princess dress from Nana and Pappi that you must then go and grab your stool and stand upon it, otherwise you are not a princess.
9. Fisher slept through the entire party. Well, except for one little feeding.
10. And...the official six thirty-seven photo.