To the mall with the merry-go-sel (some people call them carousels, some call them merry-go-rounds, but our daughter likes to combine the two). But when we got there she wanted nothing to do with it.
Got her some new pajammies (also her term) for this warmer (58 degrees) weather we're having.
And a new filter for our fridge.
Exciting stuff, I tell you, for a Saturday morning. Not really, I guess, except that it is, when you have a newborn and a trip to the mall is a trip out of the house and an opportunity to put on makeup and feel like you didn't just stumble out of bed.
And, funny story, while we're driving there, looking at all the construction happening on the sides of the freeway, Alla is remarking on how 'they' need to clean up all that mud and sand. So I ask her, 'What people?' And she says, 'THOSE people, Mommy! Jesus.' And you know the tone she used for that last bit, right? It was just more than a whisper, an exasperated whisper. Like, DUH MAMA. Ron and I just burst out laughing. That girl.
you definitely still have the new momma "glow" about you! love Alla's comment- wait till she's 16 and still has that tone!
good for you! i went for two walks, but nothing more than that today. i will email you soon :)
when did you get your haircut? did i miss a post? i love it. You look REALLY happy and just beautiful. you truly do.
You're famous! I saw your quote in the DHC magazine!
too funny that alla>>>
she cracks me UP>>>>>>>
it's all fun and cute now, but just you wait LOL>>>it's not so funny when my 8 year old uses that tone with me HA!
you look beautifUL!tara
Um, I think that sounds a little like her mama! Lovely photo of you three. Is that an Alla outfit on Fisher? It looks familiar.
Glad to see you are getting outdoors. You all look great. Funny what kids pick up from us.
way to go for getting out!!!
You look fabulous and hooray for a family outting! Settling into your new normal. . . and you couldn't look happier doing it!
Yep, I'll chime in too with how fab you look!
And thanks for the Alla giggle today...Brent and I both got a good laugh out of that!
I recognize that outfit! You guys all look great--oh so happy!
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