Yesterday Fisher somehow decided he would suddenly become four weeks old. We did not give him permission, seeing as how doing so would only lead to other such events. Turning one month old, for example. But since it did happen, I made sure to document it.
Alla is forever wanting to hold him. He was pooping while she held him so she placed a burp bloth under him so he wouldn't get poop on her bed. Then she pulled it up between his legs like an extra diaper.

I swear my heart if flip-flopping looking at that last picture as if he were my own child. He is PRECIOUS!
I mean "is"
That's funny about the pooping. Jacob pooped on everyone since the poop just shot out of his diaper. Everyone except for Mazie. He just spit up on her!
i love him...
So sweet! You know, it's just the start of him doing all sorts of things with parental permission. Well, of course you know, Miss Alla taught you that :-) But oh how you wish they could just stay tiny forever. Sigh. At least you document all his moments so beautifully!
Oh my gosh- what is that shirt A is wearing? She seems like a perfect helper and big sister. So sweet, J.
PRECIOUS! He looks more like Alla every day too.
So cute. Thanks for sharing. 4 weeks. OMG! Time goes too fast.
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