2. I have a nephew! My sister had her bouncing baby boy on Easter Sunday...little Brian.
3. My friend Marie had her baby exactly a week after I had Fisher...little Charlie.
4. My dear friend Samantha had her baby, too! Little William, born four days ago. Ah, four days. Wishing I could go back to four days. Oh, except for the pain at four days. And the rash from the iodine. OK, I'll take thirteen days. But no more.
5. My sister-in-law, who is carrying my other nephew, started a blog. Hooray! This is great news since they live in Japan and it's not likely that we'll be traveling that far to see little Ryan.
6. My dear friend Sara also gave into the peer pressure and started a blog, and has been quite the little poster! Now we can see her 2 little guys on a regular basis.
7. Look what Alla did at school last week. Is that not amazing penmanship? She puts those little dots on the ends of the letters 'to protect the letters,' she says.

8. Alla woke us up at three a.m. to tell us she farted. It's, like, not as satisfying if she doesn't tell someone that she's done it. She's also obsessed with singing Fisher Fisher Bo Bisher Banana Fana Fo Fisher, Me My Mo Misher, Fisher. Obsessed.
9. My son can go through some diapers.

10. Can you even resist itty tiny baby feet? I cannot.

Bonus #11 (Feel free to pay me in extra sleep). I swear my son kisses me.

** That quilt came from my virtual baby shower, is made by Petunia Petunia, and no we did not put two and two together before Fisher was born, to realize that those are indeed fishes on that quilt, even though we did indeed have his name picked out while that lovely quilt lay waiting on his crib. Nor did we realize that he would be a Pisces, the symbol for which is, yes, a fish. Appears that Mommy brain began while he was still in utero.
oh wowowowowowowow!
the baby fisher pics.... (so CUTE)
the quilt... (so perfect)
and alla's penmanship... (so creative!)...
awesome post. :)
Yes, I agree, wonderful post! Glad you've been up to taking such beautiful photos. And I love that blanket and all the special meaning!
Good Job, Miss Alla. Mabye you can write me a letter soon. I would love to get that in the mail. I can't wait to show this to Jamie and Mazie.
Fisher is just getting more and more beautiful... xoxo dre
oh my goodness you guys make cute kids. and i love the quilt. so perfect. and i second the diaper thing and raise you a onsie. he wets through a onsie every time we change him. just can't seem to get that diaper on quick enough!!!!
Thanks for making my Tuesday! :)
Glad you're blogging. Miss hearing about you guys. Good writing alla. Fisher looks so much bigger than a 2 week old. So cute & love the blanket.
That is too cool about the quilt, j.j.! Fisher is looking so alert (and adorable) and alla's font should be snapped up by CK - lol!
I think Cate has the same sleeper.. although a bit bigger..hehe. Grace LOVES the Name Game. We played for a solid hour on the drive home from LA last month. Love the drawing of her name, that is amazing!
ooooh i love that quilt! You and Marie make me want to find a fun blanket for the girl yet to come!
Wow it's the year of the boys huh? You can tell Alla I often protect my letters with dots too, so I'm thoroughly impressed!
More proof that there are no coincidences...things really do happen for a reason. :-)
oh how sweet on that quilt!
It looks like Alla got her mama's creativity. And Fisher is getting cuter by the day. By the way, thanks for the wonderful books. Jake loves to have us read to him. Can't believe you managed to send a gift with a new baby. You are a rock star as usual!!!
Too cool about all the fishes! I love it! Great pictures and sooooo impressed that you got out to the mall. Yay!!
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