Saturday, June 07, 2008

I had never given a baby a bath in the sink.

Until tonight.And oooh are sink baths better for photographs.


Marie said...

oh i love sink baths-i keep them in there as long as i can :)

pakosta said...

mine were in the sink til about 2 LOL!
it's better on the ol' back too LOL!

Megan said...

What made it be a sink night? Love that soapy face. Miss the smell!

erin said...

AH! Puh-lease bathe him in that sink again...he's SO darn cute and I need to see more of him!

Cathy Bolander said...
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Cathy Bolander said...

So cute. We gave Johnnie a bath in the sink for the 1st time on Friday night because he was being too cranky to take a bath in the tub.

Susan Weinroth said...

adorable little fisher. i LOVE these shots... the blue tub is so great too :)

