We bought birthday presents for little friends.
I'm working on my Week in the Life album.
I DID find that bench link, right there in my etsy favorites. That would be a great post for all of us to do one day, wouldn't it? Everyone share five things in their etsy favorites. Hmmmmm.
I'm on page 177 of Gluten-Free Girl.
I requested A Picture Perfect Childhood from the library.
I made carrots for Fisher, and he loved them. Surprise, surprise.
I added one of his carrot cubest to my lunch soup. Yum.
Both kids decided that rice cakes are the best thing ever. Alla likes hers dipped in plain yogurt, surprise, surprise. Fisher just likes to gnaw on it til it's sticky messy ground into his skin and clothes.

I am enjoying Trader Joe's pound-plus dark chocolate squares. Yum.
We begin a new era, and we are all hopeful that that means something.
What's your today like?
I do believe this new era will indeed mean something. I am so grateful to be bringing up my child in an era of HOPE! Today was a great day as we celebrated OUR victory :) We might have to try some rice cakes now too :)!
Rice cakes were a fav of our kiddos when they were little. Now they like the 90 calorie packs of the minis with the drizzle on them. I figure they are a good diaper bag snack for the road.
We did have snow here today! Not snow you can ski on, just snow to make it cold :-(
Love that shot of Fisher and his rice cake. Ah, the simple pleasures! (and that chocolate sounds pretty good to me right now!)
OMG I love the bench! That's exactly what I've been looking for by our front door, only I've been shopping antique stores. Never would have thought that Etsy would have something! Gosh maybe there's someone local here too!
Love Fish's smile in that picture! Brings a big smile to my face. :-)
rice cakes! i love it and i love the pics... and i am so buying some for ev to try :)
Love the photos, j.j. and like you, I'm incredibly hopeful right now!!!!
Love Fisher's little grin with his rice cake. Too cute!
Hope Won! Yes we can, and we did!!! :) As you can see, I'm still on my Barack Obama high :)
I'm baby sitting Latrice's baby- Cindy, just got a mani-pedi, and have a date with Naomi for some Christmas shopping tomorrow. It's a great day in Dre's world. Thanks 4 asking. we heart you!
Fisher's smile is amazing!!! I wish I liked rice cakes that much...
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