Oh, we had a lovely wintery Christmas, white as usual for these parts. The sun came out, the grandparents were out. Not much more you can ask for.
On Christmas Eve, we had no trouble getting Miss Alla to bed on time, and heard not a peep. I'm sure she wasn't going to chance getting out of bed and having Santa see her, cause then he'd have to leave and go to someone else's house. But before bed, the kids were bathed and put into Christmas jammies {that I bought in January half-off one day while Alla was in school and Fish was in my belly - good thing he was 'with' me so I could buy him the right size}, and a few photos were taken.
Good thing, too, cause as you'll see, only one child stayed in those jammies the whole next day. And it's not the one you think.
I love all these outtakes. Dad, just give me my lovey, already, it's time for bed. And the laughter, oh her laughter.
And her squeezes. Tight ones.
Cookies were made earlier in the week with Nana, so that we'd have a plate to leave for Santa. In case anyone was wondering, the peppermint bark was tops on the list.
Of course, first thing Christmas morning we hear Alla shouting in her room, Santa came! Santa came! Santa came! Only we are not too sure [yet] how she knows this. But she comes in, Fisher finishes nursing, we go see if Santa came and ate cookies, read his letter, see the carrot crumbs those reindeer left, and then go downstairs to see the magic that is Christmas. Oh she could not wait!

Santa brought her new ballet shoes! Santa might have to exchange them for a size up so she can wear them with her collection of tights.
Don't those boys look handsome in red?
I am one lucky wife and mama.

Fisher was quite happy with Sophie the Giraffe, especially since he just got those two top teeth, and as of tonight, I notice another one has come in! Goodness gracious, five teeth??
Ready for the rest of winter.

So if you hadn't figured it out, Fisher was the one who kept his jammies on all day. Alla, on the other hand, went through a few outfit changes. I love this picture because she had to hold up her new magic wand as high as it would go so I kept having to back up to make sure I wasn't cutting it out of the picture. This was very important.
Another outfit, new leotard and tutu and tights. You'd think she took ballet or something.
Alla with her Nana + Pappi, and her ornament for 2008, a cute little froggie.
This picture represents for me that the "to" portion of the gift tag is really just a suggestion. Notice both children have their hands on this gift, even though it was clearly designated for Fisher. Many gifts were like this. Alla wanting to open and assemble Fisher's gifts, Fisher wanting to eat parts of Alla's gifts. A very grey area, this idea of who the gift is for.
What a baby on a daddy's head looks like.
Proof that Mommy was part of the Christmas festivities! I swear, one of these years we'll remember to get a family photo on the big day.
Last but not least. Alla's little nook for the week. Nana + Pappi were here staying in the guest room, known for most of the year as Alla's playroom, so I set up a cozy little nook in our closet for her to camp out in. She was most delighted. Something about kids and teensy spaces make them feel all giddy and charmed. She wanted to keep this space forever. On the last day of the quiet nook, she laid down her precious three-year-old head and napped there.

Nice Christmas recap. All of Jacob's and Jamie's and Mazie's gifts (aside from their clothes) are all their gifts. There doesn't seem to be anything that was just for one person. It's been like that since Jamie came along and I suppose it will be like that until Mazie gets things that are way too old for the other two. Great pictures.
FIVE teeth??? not a one here...and btw, your family is GORGEOUS. seriously. you are all too cute.
awwww what abeautiful christmas!
Looks like you guys had a magical Christmas. Good idea on the jammies! I'll have to find some for next year!
So super cute! Love the deal on the gorgeous jammies. But, of course the froggie is my all time fave. Happy New Year!
When I was a little girl, I clearly remember LOVING small nooks like the closet! lol. I love the picture of Alla in her leotard and tutu! That was me when i was her age too :)
Fisher is getting cuter every day!! And speaking of cute- Ron! I'm pretty sure i have a crush on your husband :)
I love you & your family. Thanks for sharing and Happy New Year J.J.
xoxo dre
Oh!! How I love this post! So much magic captured in these photos of little ones. To be a kid again...
Zech LOVES to sit on his daddy's head too. Fisher and Zech have a lot in common. Must be a baby thing :) Except when it comes to teeth. Fisher = 5 Zech = 0!!!
Happy New Year my friend. I miss you.
What a sweet Christmas post!!!
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