5. More dress-up accessories!
6. Pretty much her standard reaction after opening each gift. She was just so excited. Ron said his favorite part of the day was just watching how excited she was, so loud and rambunctious and in charge.
7. Her very own banner, pink and red and stars. This one's a little more fragile. Thankfully Grandma and Daddy were there to help put it up!
8. Did I mention that Mother Nature forced us inside once again? Yep, 40s and rain on the party day. Maybe an outdoor party here is like a once every five years thing.

9. Took her for her four-year check up yesterday morning. She's 42 inches and 38 pounds.
10. I interviewed her this morning, adding more questions than last year, and can't wait to add her picture and put it in her scrapbook for posterity. Some answers have changed in a year, of course, but some are the same. Case in point: What are you really good at? Art, says my little artiste.
If anyone wants my Word-document kid questionnaire, send me an email and I'll get it to you. It's fun! I plan to continue it every year. One of these years she'll start filling it out herself, I suppose. Sigh.
I am pretty sure she is officially taller and weighs more than Jamie. I will let you know for sure next week after Jamie's 5 year check. I am so glad she had a happy day. I really wish we could have been there to celebrate but I'm glad we were at least able to sing to her on skype.
LOVE the banner. Wow she's a good sized girl & love the pic with mama.
such a sweet photo of the two of you together. :)
J.J.! You're my banner hero! This is awesome. Looks like Alla had faabulous time. Will you send me the questionnaire if you get a chance? I loved doing the last one with the girls? Does that make me nosy??
Good job Mama! Looks like a wonderful party! And yes I want the questionnaire!
What a great birthday party! I love the costume change and the phot of you together and the 6:37 shot. . . all of it!
I'd love your questionnaire--that's such a great idea!
awww!! LOVE all these photos! she had a great day!!!!!
funny savie was 38lbs at 4 years old too...and she was only 40lbs at age 5 and 42lbs at age 6...she is finally now 55lbs at 9.5 years old....
Hey, I don't have your e-mail. But, I would love for you to send me the questionnaire...great idea! Thanks in advance...joey_nels@yahoo.com
What a great post. Yes, I want the questionaire.
Aww Happy belated Alla! It looks like it was a great party!!! Here's to being FOUR!
I love the banner! And I love her Fancy Nancy dress up outfit! I finally read that book and LOVE it. I'd like to dress up too :-)
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