First, you are so super cute in your underwear. I know I can't stand to see you grow up, and that means out of diapers, but those little buns in Toy Story underwear are irresisitable.
Second, if you look closely, you are using an orange calculator to talk on the phone, to Vacuum Vic of course. You are the only two-year-old in the world who knows what a vactor is, pretends to be one in the summer, and pretends to call one in the winter.
Third - and I do not have a picture of this but I am guessing you can paint one for yourself as we go along here - today you stuck a piece of turkey burger in your nose. Nope, that's not reason number three. In fact, that alone might actually count against you. The chunk was placed there at lunchtime and after many attempts with the sucker and lots of crying from you - "I guess it's lost forever" - we just let it be until Daddy came home and discovered it was STILL there! But, in a very serious and polite manner, while Daddy was extracting it, you said, "And then may I eat it?"
I love you, Buddy.