Yes, we found the carousel. Well, how could you not. There's an entire amusement park inside the Mall of America. We took her on the carousel. She sat on an ostrich. Then we went on a choo-choo. Then we proceeded to walk around the mall for four hours. We stopped for lunch but that was all, and I really don't think we went in more than 20 stores! Sheesh, it's a big place.
Reasons I'm excited to be near it:
1. H&M
2. Return trips to the carousel.
3. Build-a-bear, when Alla gets older and gets excited about making her own.
4. Archiver's in the mall.
Really, it's a great place. It's an amusement park for the kids and shopping for the adults. What more could you want?
We topped off a great day with margaritas and dinner at Don Pablo's, a place we used to go to in Dayton. And then bath.

Tomorrow is the home inspection, and then we hop on a plane for home.
Tuesday is madness, birthday preparations, house preparations, groceries to procure. It's hard to be gone all week. Why doesn't the house take care of itself while we're away?
Tuesday is also Alla's 365th day. Last day as eleven months. I think I'm finally coming to terms.
She got a new tooth today. 4th one on the bottom. I love you, little girl.
Wow, you are busy. Take some time for yourself (if you can find it) and relax, enjoy your baby, look forward to starting anew in the summer. I'm so happy for you! Can't wait to hear how Alla's big day goes. She's such a doll...can't wait to FINALLY meet her in June!!
so awesome! love the bath photo! alla looks about 2 not 1 !!!!!! she is so stinkin' cute!
i am making a reservation at hotel killins as soon as you get home!!!!!!!!!
keep me posted!
and i better get to meet you in june!
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