Today, we exercised.
(Well I exercised and she played legos.)
Today, we ate breakfast together, just like every other day.
She actually requested eggs. And ate eggs. And some blueberry muffin.
Today, we played with friends.
It was more like she hoarded all the babydolls and everyone else had to play with what was left.
Today, we ate lunch together, just like every other day.
She ate an entire packet of Annie's Mac N Cheese, about fifty sugar snap peas, and even some bites of peach.
Today, she did not nap.
She instead practiced her signs, her pedal laughing, and her singing. All the while keeping me wide awake.
Today, we read books.
She loves Just Go To Bed by Mercer Mayer. We need more Mercer Mayer.
Today, we had Pizza Friday.
She ate a whole piece, and that was after having an entire banana for snack an hour earlier.
Tonight, Daddy gave her a bath, just like every other day.
She wanted to brush her teeth first, just like every other day.
Tonight, I put on her big girl underwear for bed, just like the last six days.
She shook her little butt to show Daddy her underwear.
Tonight, Daddy read her two Mercer Mayer stories before bedtime, just like every other day.
She asked to read them again, just like every other day.
Tonight, she fell asleep in my arms nursing, like she hasn't in over a year.
That's what happens when two year olds don't take a nap.
Tonight, we love her more even than yesterday.
If that's even possible.
ahhhhhhh....sooo precious! stace
Love that expression on her face, she is so sweet! And I got a great Little Critter book at Marshall's (or maybe Home Goods). It's hard cover and has 6 or 7 Little Critter stories. I remember those from when I was a kid. . . Alla has great taste in literature!
I love those little Mercer Mayer books- so do our girlies!
Those books are favorites here. You can't go wrong with the books we grew up with!
awww, so sweet.
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