I don't remember it being this hard to get a First Halloween photo of my little pink octopus, but that might have been that I had all the time in the world to devote to one little baby's first costume pictures. And I probably started October 1st so that by the 31st I had the shot I wanted. Oh well. Here's proof that we did dress him up for his first Halloween, and that, at least for his first year, he didn't have to wear a handmedown costume. But that's probably only because Alla was a pink octopus. If only I had chosen the blue one then. 

My little Sleeping Beauty. She and I had so much fun trick or treating tonight. And watching Happy Punkin Trolley (Charlie) Brown last night. What a lucky girl to be bathed in all that pink princess silky dress. You'd never know her favorite color is blue.
I love my little punkins.